The Right to Basic Housing Services
Heat, hot water, and working plumbing.
A weatherproof home without excessive leans and drafts.
Appropriate natural light and ventilation.
Construction according to code.
The Right to Health, Safety, and Privacy
A clean, pest-free environment without bugs or mice.
A home free of lead paint or excessive mold.
Doors and windows that close and lock.
Written notice before your landlord enters your home.
Renters have these rights!
Housing law in California says that tenants are entitled to the above baseline standards; it doesn't matter if you rent a house, an apartment, or a single room, and even if you are renting month to month or don't have a written lease.
Let's Work Together
We'll get back to you, but read this important message:
A lot of legal problems have deadlines. We want to hear from you, but your contacting us doesn't create a legal relationship between us and doesn't stop those deadlines. If you'd rather talk than email, give us a call at (415) 581-0885. .